Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Lioness in Winter

Gail looks great, I'm happy to report.  She's got a healthy glow to her skin, she is outside feeding the chickens and deer, and working in the gardens and greenhouses, and her scar has healed beautifully.  She's behaving just like normal -- complaining about how much she dislikes kids, dogs, and now she's added filmmakers to her list. But the comment that made my heart sing, "I'm going to be around for another 20 years I figure."

She told me yesterday that the the local newspaper, the Mountain Courier, "bumped" her article from the December issue (because it didn't contain Xmas content).  Now, I haven't read the column, but I know that like most farmers, Gail takes her cues from the season, so I find it hard to believe that her column wasn't relevant to December, the winter, something to do with planning for next year's gardens. Oh well.

The timing is unfortunate, though because the presence or -- in this case -- the absence of Gail's monthly column is an 'indicator' to hundreds of her friends and contacts.  She said the only time that she missed doing her column, someone had died in her family.  People worry when Gail's column is missing from the Courier, but she's OK and I'm sure her column will be back next month!

And I hope that many people will see my blog -- back again after too long -- and take heart that the Lioness of Deauville still roars mightily.

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