Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Welcome to DOEVILLE... THE MOVIE, and the farm

Afternoon nap enjoyed by fallow deer buck and doe in Gail's herd
Hi folks,

At long last, the website and blog for my film, DOEVILLE, are up and running.  I hope you will subscribe so that you can follow the progress of the film, and even better, my updates on Gail and her beautiful farm, Deauville.

Among other curiosities, you'll learn about Blueberry the chicken, the difference between a Houdon and a Buff Orpington, why Gail doesn't grow orange pumpkins, why fallow deer come in many colors, and why Gail is lying when she says "I hate kids and I hate dogs."  I hope you'll pick up some valuable information about planting and growing vegetables and raising chickens for eggs and deer for venison -- the bits I can convey.  For the real wisdom, you have to go spend some time with Gail.  And finally, you'll learn a bit about what it's like to make a film.

Blueberry with camera
Blueberry, an extraordinary speckled sussex hen

Please note that this blog presents my observations, musings and opinions, not those of Gail Rose, although I will do my very best to convey accurately her work, and to the extent that I can, the motivations for her decisions.

I hope this blog will prove interesting for you -- those of you who know Gail or who have visited the farm will surely be curious.  If you can't get out to see her often enough (I know I feel this way and wish her farm was next door) then I hope I can help you feel just that little bit closer with my updates.

If you don't know Gail and haven't been to her lovely farm in the Shenandoah Valley, then I hope I will inspire you to make the trip.  It's an easy 2-hour drive from the DC metro area.  Painless, and so worth the effort. Imagine, you could soon be wandering rows of heirloom tomatoes, watching your kids collect eggs, and taking home some delicious food to prepare for your family or friends.  A visit to Gail's farm will nurture both your spirit and your body.

_MG_9020 - 2010-09-19 at 16-04-08
Gail Rose at Deauville

doevillexmas 1
Gail and Cinder with my son, Dylan, late December 2010
My updates probably won't be daily, but in these early days of the blog, I'm going to try to write some select memories from the months I've been filming -- since August 2010.  It's been an incredible experience for me getting to know Gail, and making this film.  It's an adventure I've been lucky to share with my two sons, Aidan (13) and Dylan (10).   To see the farm, and Gail, through their eyes too, is a great gift indeed.

For reasons I'll reveal in future blogs, this year is sure to be one of remarkable change, growth and transformation at Deauville... please join me as I document Gail's incredible story.

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